Nº 156 (Marzo, 2014). Evelyn Vezza
“Escaneo de políticas y meta-análisis: juventud y políticas de empleo en América Latina”.
“Escaneo de políticas y meta-análisis: juventud y políticas de empleo en América Latina”.
“Youth turnover in Brazil: job and worker flows and an evaluation of a youth-targeted training program”.
«The effects of regulations and business cycles on temporary contracts, the organization of firms and productivity».
“Indirect job creation and the informal sector in Mexico”.
«A mapping of labor mobility costs in the developing world».
“Union negotiation and wage inequality in Argentina: an empirical analysis of recent trends”.
«Equidad laboral para mujeres mayores de 40 años en Colombia».
«Conditional cash transfers, payment dates and labor supply: evidence from Peru».
“Decisiones laborales en América Latina: el caso de los emprendedores. Un estudio sobre la base de encuestas de hogares”.
“Educational Upgrading and Returns to Skills in Latin America: Evidence from a Supply-Demand Framework”.