Nº 312 (Abril, 2023). Irene Brambilla, Andrés César, Guillermo Falcone y Leonardo Gasparini
«The Impact of Robots in Latin America: Evidence from Local Labor Markets».
We study the effect of robots on labor markets in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico, the major robot users in Latin America, during the period 2004{2016. We exploit spatial and time variations in exposure to robots arising from initial differences in industry specialization across geographic locations and the evolution of robot adoption across industries, to estimate a causal effect of robots on local labor market outcomes. We find that district’s exposure to robots causes a relative deterioration in labor market indicators such us unemployment and labor informality. We document that robots mainly replace formal salaried jobs, affecting young and semi-skilled workers to a greater extent, and that informal employment acts as a buffer that prevents a larger increase in unemployment.
Códigos JEL: J23, J24, J31, J46, O14, O17, R10
Cita sugerida: Brambilla, I., A. César, G. Falcone y L. Gasparini (2023). The Impact of Robots in Latin America: Evidence from Local Labor Markets. Documentos de Trabajo del CEDLAS Nº 312, Abril, 2023, CEDLAS-FCE-Universidad Nacional de La Plata.