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- Banerjee, O., Cicowiez, M., Vargas, R., Molina-Perez, E., Bagstad, K.J. & Ž. Malek (2024). The economics of decarbonizing Costa Rica’s agriculture, forestry and other land uses sectors. Ecological Economics 218.
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- Ciaschi, M. & G. Neidhöfer (2024). Job Loss and Household Labor Supply Adjustments in Developing Countries: Evidence from Argentina. The World Bank Economic Review, 38(1).
- Banerjee, O., Cicowiez, M., Malek, Ž., Verburg, P.H., Vargas, R., Goodwin, S., Bagstad, K.J., & Ávila Murillo, J. (2024). Banking on strong rural livelihoods and the sustainable use of natural capital in post-conflict Colombia. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 26 (10): 26517-26538.
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- Brambilla, I., César, A., Falcone, G. & L. Gasparini (2023) Exploring gender differences in labor markets from the perspective of the task based approach. Estudios de Economía
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- Brambilla, I., César, A., Falcone, G., & Gasparini, L. (2023). Exploring gender differences in labor markets from the perspective of the task- based approach. Estudios de Economía (50) 2, 309-360.
- Berniell, I, Gasparini, L., Marchionni, M. y Viollaz, M. (2023). The role of children and work-from-home in gender labor market asymmetries: evidence from the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin America. Review of Economics of the Household 21, 1191-1214.
- Cicowiez, M., Lofgren, H., Tribin, A., & Mojica, T. (2023). Women’s market work and childcare policies in Colombia: policy simulations using a computable general equilibrium model. Philippine Review of Economics 60 (1): 65-98.
- Berniell, I, Gasparini, L., Marchionni, M. & Viollaz, M. (2023). Lucky women in unlucky cohorts: gender differences in the effects of initial labor market conditions in Latin America. Journal of Development Economics 161, 1-9.
- Sánchez, M.V. & Cicowiez, M. (2023). Optimal allocation of agriculture’s public budget can improve healthy diets access in Ethiopia. Journal of Policy Modelling 45 (6): 1262-1280.
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- Neidhöfer, G., Ciaschi, M., Gasparini, L., & J. Serrano (2023). Social mobility and economic development. Journal of Economic Growth.
- Cicowiez, M., & Lofgren, H. (2023). Child and elderly care in South Korea: policy analysis with a gendered, care-focused computable general equilibrium model. Philippine Review of Economics 60 (1): 19-64.
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- Cicowiez, M., Cruces, G., Falcone, G., & Puig, J. (2023). On the impacts of higher tobacco taxes in Argentina: a computable general equilibrium approach. British Medical Journal.
- Acosta, A., Cicowiez, M., Nicolli, F., & Rostan, F. (2023). Economic, social, and environmental integrated effects of reducing dairy methane emissions through market-based policy instruments in Uruguay: An application of the Livestock Policy Simulation Model. Journal of Policy Modelling 45: 345-261.
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- Banerjee, O., Cicowiez, M., Macedo, M.N., Malek, Ž., Verburg, P.H., Goodwin, S., Vargas, R., Rattis, L., Bagstad, K.J., & Brando, P. (2022). Can we avert an Amazon tipping point? The economic and environmental costs. Environmental Research Letters 17 (12).
- Brambilla, I., César, A., Falcone, G., Gasparini, L., & C. Lombardo (2022). The asymmetric risks of automation in Latin America. Desarrollo Económico, 62(235):234–253.
- Cicowiez, M. & Lofgren, H. (2022). A general equilibrium model with an asymmetric Armington function: method and application. Journal of Global Economic Analysis 7 (2).
- Viollaz, M. & H. Winkler (2022) Does the Internet Reduce Gender Gaps? The Case of Jordan. The Journal of Development Studies. Volume 58- Issue 3.
- Sánchez, M.V. & Cicowiez, M. (2022). Optimising policies to achieve agricultural transformation objectives: an application for Ethiopia. Journal of Applied Economics 25 (1).
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- Brambilla, I., César, A., Falcone, G., & L. Gasparini (2022) Automation and the jobs of young workers. Latin American Economic Review. 31:4.
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- Bracco, J., Gasparini, L., Galeano, L. & M. Pistorio (2020) Slowdown of monetary inequality reduction in developing countries. Journal of Income Distribution. Volume 29, Numbers 1-2: March-June
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- Banerjee, O., Crossman, N., Vargas, R., Brander, L., Verburg, P., Cicowiez, M., Hauck, J. & McKenzie, E. (2020). Global socio-economic impacts of changes in natural capital and ecosystem services: State of play and new modeling approaches. Ecosystem Services 46: 1-17.
- Banerjee, O., Bagstad, K.J., Cicowiez, M., Dudek, S., Masozera, M., Horridge, J.M., Alavalapati, J.R.R., Rukundoh, E. & Rutebuka, E. (2020). Economic, land use, and ecosystem services impacts of Rwanda’s Green Growth Strategy: an application of the IEEM+ESM Platform. Science of the Total Environment 729.
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- Banerjee, O., Cicowiez M. & Moreda, A. (2020). Evaluating the economic viability of public investments in tourism. Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis 11 (1): 101-130. ISSN 2194-5888 (Print), 2152-2812 (Online)
- Garganta, S. (2019). Midiendo el impacto distributivo de la Asignación Universal por Hijo en Argentina: efecto directo, indirecto y potenciales mejoras. Económica Vol. 65, pp. 17-68 (ISSN 0013-0419).
- Vazquez, E. & Winkler, H. (2019). How do telecommunications reforms affect labour market arrangements? Evidence from Central and Western Europe. Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, Vol. 00: 1–18.
- Cicowiez, M. & Ordoñez, R. (2019). The economic impacts of private tourism-related investments in Jamaica. CEPAL Review. 135: 47-79.
- Acosta, P., Cruces, G., Galiani, S. & Gasparini, L. (2019). Educational upgrading and returns to skills in Latin America: evidence from a supply-demand framework. Latin American Economic Review 28:18
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- Banerjee, O., Cicowiez, M., Horridge, J. M. & Vargas, R. (2019). Evaluating synergies and trade-offs in achieving the SDGs of zero hunger and clean water and sanitation: An application of the IEEM Platform to Guatemala. Ecological Economics 161: 280–291.
- Serrano, J., Gasparini, L., Marchionni, M. & Gluzmann, P. (2019). Economic cycle and deceleration of female labor force participation in Latin America. Journal for Labour Market Research, Vol. 53 (13), pp. 1-21.
- Banerjee, O. Cicowiez, M., Horridge J. M. & Vargas, R. (2019). The SEEA-based Integrated Economic-Environmental Modelling framework: an illustration with Guatemala’s forest and fuelwood sector. Environmental and Resource Economics 72 (2): 539–558. ISSN 0924-6460.
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- Neidhöfer, G., Serrano, J. & Gasparini, L. (2018). Educational inequality and intergenerational mobility in Latin America: A new database. Journal of Development Economics 134, September, 329-349.
- Vargas, R., Cabrera, M., Cicowiez, M., Escobar, P., Hernández, V., Cabrera, J., & Guzmán, V. (2018). Impacts of agricultural incentive policies on socioeconomic and environmental variables in Guatemala. Environment and Development Economics 23: 558-579. ISSN 1355-770X.
- Marchionni, M. & Vazquez, E. (2018). The causal effect of an extra year of schooling on skills and knowledge in Latin America. Evidence from PISA. Evidence from PISA, Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy & Practice
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- Gluzmann, P. & Sturzenegger, F. (2018). An estimation of CPI biases in Argentina 1985–2005 and its implications on real income growth and income distribution. Latin American Economic Review (2018) 27: 8.
- Banerjee, O., Cicowiez, M., Morris, E. J. & Moreda, A. (2018). Boosting tourism’s contribution to growth and development: analysis of the evidence. Review of Development Economics 22 (3): 1296-1320. ISSN 1467-9361.
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- Garganta, S., Gasparini, L. & Marchionni, M. (2017). Cash transfers and female labor force participation: the case of AUH in Argentina. IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 6(10).
- Gluzmann, P. & Gasparini, L. (2017). International inequality in subjective well-being: An exploration with the Gallup World Poll. Review of Development Economics 2017; 00:1-22.
- Alzúa, M. L., & Velázquez, C. (2017) The effect of education on teenage fertility: causal evidence for Argentina IZA Journal of Development and Migration, 7(1), 7.
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- Edo, M., Marchionni, M. & Garganta, S. (2017) Compulsory education laws or incentives from Conditional Cash Transfer programs? Explaining the rise in secondary school attendance rate in Argentina. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 25(76).
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- Lofgren, H. & Cicowiez, M. (2017). A Proximity-based approach to labor mobility in CGE models with an application to Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Global Economic Analysis 2 (1): 120-165.
- Banerjee, O., Cicowiez, M., Horridge, M. & Vargas, R. (2016). A conceptual framework for integrated economic-environmental modelling. Journal of Environment & Development 25 (3): 276–305
- Alzúa, M.L., Cruces, G. & Lopez, C. (2016). Long-run effects of youth training programs: experimental evidence from Argentina. Economic Inquiry 54, 4 (ISSN: 1465-7295)
- Badaracco, N., Gasparini, L. & Marchionni, M. (2016). Distributive Implications of Fertility Changes in Latin America. International Journal of Population Research. 2016
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- Alejo, J. & Parada, C. (2016) Inequality and informality in Latin America: the case of Brazil. Desarrollo y Sociedad. No 78 pp. 143-199
- Gasparini, L., Cruces, G. & Tornarolli, L. (2016) Chronicle of a deceleration foretold: income inequality in Latin America in the 2010s. Revista de Economía Mundial 43, 25-46 (ISSN 1576-0162)
- Viollaz, M. (2016) Are labor inspections protecting workers rights? Adding the evidence from sized based labor regulations and fines in Peru. International Labour Review. DOI: 10.1111/ilr.12038
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- Cicowiez, M., Alejo, J., Gresia, L., Olivieri, S. & Pacheco, A. (2016) Export taxes, world prices, and poverty in Argentina: a dynamic CGE-microsimulation analysis. International Journal of Microsimulation 9 (1), 24-54
- Banerjee, O., Cicowiez, M. & Cotta, J. (2016). Economics of tourism investment in data scarce countries. Annals of Tourism Research 60 (September): 115-138.
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- Gasparini, L. & Garganta, S. (2015). CCTs and labor informality: the case of Argentina. Policy in Focus (ISSN 2318-8995), Vol. 12, issue 2 – Social Protection, Entrepreneurship and Labour Market Activation.
- Alzúa, M.L., Gasparini, L. & Haimovich. F. (2015). Education reform and labor market outcomes. The case of Argentina’s Ley Federal de Educación. Journal of Applied Economics XVIII (1), May, 21-44. (ISSN 1514-0326)
- Garganta, S. & Gasparini, L. (2015). «The impact of a social program on labor informality: the case of AUH in Argentina». Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 115, pp. 99-110. (ISSN 0304-3878)
- Gasparini, L., Arcidiácono, M., Carella, L., Puig, J., Gluzmann, P. & Brassiolo, P. (2015). El empleo público en América Latina. Evidencia de las encuestas de hogares. El Trimestre Económico LXXXII (4), No. 328, pp. 749-784. (ISSN 0041-3011)
- Cruces, G., Lanjouw, P., Lucchetti, L., Perova, E., Vakis, R. & Viollaz, M. (2015). Estimating poverty transitions using repeated cross-sections: a three-country validation exercise. Journal of Economic Inequality, Springer, Vol. 13(2), pp. 161-179
- Alejo, J. & Badaracco, N. (2015) Counterfactual distributions in bivariate models—A conditional quantile approach. Econometrics 3 (4), pp. 719-732
- Gluzmann, P. & Panigo, D. (2015). Global search regression (gsreg): A new automatic model selection technique for cross-section, time series and panel data regressions. Stata Journal, 15 (2) :325-349
- Banerjee, O., Cicowiez, M. & Gachot, S. (2015). A quantitative framework for assessing public investment in tourism – An application to Haiti. Tourism Management 51 (December): 157-173.
- Sánchez, M. V. & Cicowiez, M. (2014). Trade-offs and payoffs of investing in human development. World Development 62 (October): 14-29
- Alzúa, M. L. & López, L. (2014). The long and winding road towards fiscal decentralization. Económica, Vol. LX: 3-43
- López-Calva, L.F., Cruces, G., Lach, S. & Ortiz-Juárez, E. (2014). Clases medias y vulnerabilidad a la pobreza. Reflexiones desde América Latina. El Trimestre Económico, Fondo de Cultura Económica, vol. 0(322), pp. 281-307
- Bergolo, M. & Cruces, G. (2014). Work and tax evasion incentive effects of social insurance programs. Journal of Public Economics, Elsevier, vol. 117(C), pages 211-228
- Gasparini, L. & Tornarolli, L. (2014). A review of the OECD Income Distribution Database. Journal of Economic Inequality 13 (4), pp. 579-602 (ISSN 1569-1721)
- Battistón, D., García Domench, C. & Gasparini, L. (2014). Could an increase in education raise income inequality? Evidence for Latin America. Latin American Journal of Economics 51 (1) May, 1-39. (ISSN 0717-6821)
- Alejo, J., Gabrielli, M.F., & Sosa Escudero, W. (2014). The distributive effects of education: an unconditional quantile regression approach. Revista de Análisis Económico – Economic Analysis Review (RAE-EAR), Vol. 29, Nº 1, pp. 53-76
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- Viollaz, M. (2014) From the classroom to the workplace: Three decades of evidence for Latin America. CEPAL Review No 112
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- Gasparini, L., Sosa Escudero, W., Marchionni, M. & Olivieri, O. (2013). Multidimensional poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean: New evidence from the Gallup World Poll. Journal of Economic Inequality. 2013 11: 195 (ISSN 1569-1721)
- Gasparini, L. & Cruces, G. (2013). Poverty and Inequality in Latin America: A Story of Two Decades. Journal of International Affairs Vol. 66, No. 2, Spring/Summer
- Alejo, J. (2013), Relación de Kuznets en América Latina. Explorando más allá de la media condicional. Económica. ISSN 1852-1649
- Gluzmann, P. (2013). Bienestar subjetivo y crecimiento económico: analizando la paradoja decrecimiento infeliz en la Encuesta Mundial Gallup. Económica 59, 231-258
- Alejo, J., Bergolo, M. & Carbajal, F. (2013). Las Transferencias Públicas y su Impacto Distributivo: La Experiencia de los Países del Cono Sur en la Década de 2000. El Trimestre Económico
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- Gasparini, L. & Gluzmann, P. (2012). Estimating Income Poverty and Inequality from the Gallup World Poll. Journal of Income Distribution, Vol. 21, Number 1
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- Gasparini, L., Cruces, G. & Tornarolli, L. (2011). Recent trends in income inequality in Latin America. Economia 10 (2), 147-201, Spring
- Cruces, G. & Gasparini, L. (2010). Las asignaciones universales por hijo en Argentina. Impacto, discusión y alternativas. Económica, Vol. LVI
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- Gasparini, L., Alejo, J., Haimovich, F., Olivieri, S. & Tornarolli, L. (2010). Poverty among Older People in Latin America and the Caribbean. Journal of International Development, 22: 176–207
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- Gasparini, L., Haimovich, F. & Olivieri, S. (2009). Labor informality bias of a poverty-alleviation program in Argentina. Journal of Applied Economics, Vol XII, No. 2, 181-205
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- Gasparini, L., Horenstein, M. Molina, E. & Olivieri, S. (2008). Polarización Económica, Instituciones y Conflicto. Dinámicas de la Cohesión Social Latinoamericana. Colección CIEPLAN. UQBAR Editores. Santiago
- Gasparini, L., Horenstein, M. Molina, E. & Olivieri, S. (2008). Income Polarization in Latin America: Patterns and Links with Institutions and Conflict. Oxford Development Studies 36 (4): 461-484
- Gasparini, L., Gutiérrez, F. & Tornarolli, L. (2007). Growth and Income Poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean: evidence from household surveys. Review of Income and Wealth 53 (2): 209-245
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- Gasparini, L. (2007). Income Inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean; Evidence from Household Surveys. Económica LI (1/2) (Enero/Diciembre, 2005)
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- Gasparini, L. (2006). Assessing Benefit-Incidence Results Using Decompositions. The Case of Health Policy in Argentina. Economics Bulletin 4 (40): 1-10
- Marchionni, M. & Gasparini, L. (2006). Tracing Out the Effects of Demographic Changes on the Income Distribution. The Case of Greater Buenos Aires 1980-2000. Journal of Economic Inequality 5 (1): 97-114
- Horenstein, M. & Olivieri, S. (2006). Income Polarization in Argentina: Pure Income Polarization, Theory and Applications. Económica L (1/2) (Enero/Diciembre, 2004)
- Gasparini, L. & Pinto, S. (2006). Equality of Opportunities and Optimal Cash and In-Kind Policies. Journal of Public Economics 90 (1-2): 143-169
- Gasparini, L. (2006). La Distribución del Ingreso: Un Breve Resumen de Tres Décadas. Económica LII (1/2) (Enero/Diciembre, 2006)
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- Gasparini, L. & Bertranou, F. (2005). Social Protection and Labour Markets in Latin America: What Can Be Learned from Household Surveys?. International Social Security Review 58 (2-3): 15-42
- Gasparini, L. & Sosa Escudero, W. (2004). Implicit Rents from Own-Housing and Income Distribution: Econometric Estimates for Greater Buenos Aires. Journal of Income Distribution 12 (1-2)
- Gasparini, L. (2002). On the Measurement of Unfairness: An Application to High School Attendance in Argentina. Social Choice and Welfare 19 (4): 795-810
- Gasparini, L. (2002). Microeconometric Decompositions of Aggregate Variables. An Application to Labor Informality in Argentina. Applied Economics 34 (18): 2257-2266
- Gasparini, L. & Sosa Escudero, W. (2001). Assessing Aggregate Welfare: Growth and Inequality in Argentina. Latin American Journal of Economics (Cuadernos de Economía) 38 (113): 49-71
- Gasparini, L. & Sosa Escudero, W. (2000). A Note on the Statistical Significance of Changes in Inequality. Económica XLVI (1): 111-122 (Enero/Julio, 2000)