Nº 302 (September, 2022). Carlo Lombardo, Lucía Ramírez-Leira & Leonardo Gasparini
“Does the Minimum Wage Affect Wage Inequality? A Study for the Six Largest Latin American Economies”.
“Does the Minimum Wage Affect Wage Inequality? A Study for the Six Largest Latin American Economies”.
“Lucky Women in Unlucky Cohorts: Gender Differences in the Effects of Initial Labor Market Conditions in Latin America”.
“Automatización y Pandemia: Amenazas sobre el Empleo en América Latina”.
“Latin American Brotherhood? Immigration and Preferences for Redistribution”.
“Income Distribution in Latin America. The Evolution in the Last 20 Years: A Global Approach”.
“How Sensitive is Regional Poverty Measurement in Latin America to the Value of the Poverty Line?”.