Nº 138 (November, 2012). Guillermo Cruces, Ricardo Pérez Truglia & Martin Tetaz.
“Biased perceptions of income distribution and preferences for redistribution: evidence from a survey experiment”.
“Biased perceptions of income distribution and preferences for redistribution: evidence from a survey experiment”.
“Relación de Kuznets en América Latina. Explorando más allá de la media condicional”.
“The distributive effects of education: an unconditional quantile regression approach”.
“Los cambios en la distribución del ingreso de Argentina entre 1998 y 2005”.
“Un análisis empírico de las no linealidades en la movilidad intergeneracional del ingreso. El caso de la Argentina”.
“Down and out or up and in? Polarization-based measures of the middle class for Latin America”.
“‘I can hear the grass grow’: the anatomy of distributive changes in Argentina”.
“An estimation of CPI biases in Argentina 1985-2005, and its implications on real income growth and income distribution”.