Nº 277 (April, 2021). Emilio Gutierrez, David Jaume & Martín Tobal
“Do Credit Supply Shocks Affect Employment in Middle-Income Countries?”.
This paper studies the extent to which increases in bank credit supply available for small and medium firms can foster formal employment in Mexico. We use a detailed dataset containing loan-level information for all loans extended by commercial banks to private firms in Mexico during the 2010-2016 period, when the economy was relatively stable. To obtain exogenous variation in credit supply, we exploit differences in the regional presence of Mexican banks across local labor markets by combining pre-existing market shares with national-level changes in banks’ credit supply, after accounting for local credit demand shocks. Then, we use employment registry data to compare changes in the number of formal workers registered by small and medium firms in local labor markets differently exposed to these shocks. We find that credit supply shocks have a large impact on formal employment: a positive credit shock of one standard deviation increases yearly employment growth by 0.45 percentage points (13 percent of the mean). Our results differ from the null to small effects identified by previous literature for developed countries, suggesting that credit supply shocks play a more prominent role for employment creation (and destruction) in low and middle-income countries.
JEL codes: D22, D53, G01, G1, G21, J01, J23
Suggested citation: Gutierrez, E., Jaume, D., & Tobal, M. (2021). Do Credit Supply Shocks Affect Employment in Middle-Income Countries? CEDLAS Working Papers Nº 277, April, 2021, CEDLAS-FCE-Universidad Nacional de La Plata.