Nº 123 (September, 2011). Leonardo Gasparini, David Jaume, Monserrat Serio & Emmanuel Vazquez.
“La segregación escolar en Argentina”.
This paper studies school segregation among students from different socioeconomic strata attending public and private schools in Argentina. The study contributes with empirical evidence to the measurement of this phenomenon from 1986 to the present, including projections to 2014. To this end, all major household surveys conducted in the country are used. The results suggest that the degree of school segregation has increased substantially since the mid-1980s to the present and is likely to continue rising in the early years of the 2010s.
JEL Code: D63, I21, Z13
Published in Desarrollo Económico. Buenos Aires, vol. 51, Nº 202-203, Julio-Diciembre 2011 (pp. 189-219). ISSN 0046-001X.