The Impact Evaluation Network has a new website:
With the transition to market-based systems, many countries are designing and implementing social policies targeted to specific populations, e.g. social protection for the poor, job training programs for youth and the unemployed, agricultural development programs for farmers. Decision-makers, donors and taxpayers are interested in knowing whether these programs are successfully providing expected benefits. Rigorous assessment of these initiatives may lead to improvements in their design and implementation, wich in turn, foster accountability.
Programs were first evaluated for effectiveness in the United States, where researches applied strategies to measure the effect of welfare and job training programs. Since then, similar strategies have been increasingly employed in developing countries. Scientifically sound evaluations are crucial for generating political support for the continuation or expansion of the programs. These evaluation findings may also inform policy makers in other nations about effective alternative policy solution. Evaluations offer a public good that justifies funding and with resources beyond those available domestically. There are several international institutions devoting resources to impact evaluation.
However, the need for serious impact evaluation at the policy making level is not yet uniformly accepted. There are many programs that remain unevaluated or they are evaluated using techniques that do not reflect best practices in impact evaluation. Rigorous evaluation of these programs would be informative for similar and new activities.
Activities aimed at promoting impact evaluation methodology in terms of capacity building and bridging research and policy in more disadvantaged Latin American and Caribbean countries are important to closing the gap between state of the art evaluation techniques in developed countries and their application throughout the region.
The Impact Evaluation Network (IEN) at LACEA is an initiative that aims to advance expert knowledge and application of impact evaluations for better policy.
The IEN has been active since 2007, and given its 10th anniversary, we held a special meeting hosted by the Inter-American Development Bank, from March 22nd to 24th, 2017, in Washington, D.C., USA. The program included a keynote address by Prof. Miguel Urquiola (Columbia University), the presentation of invited and contributed academic papers, as well as two panel discussions with policy makers, researchers, practitioners and representatives of multilateral organizations about actual policies the implementations of programs, and their rigorous impact evaluation.
Inter-American Development Bank
Auditorium Andres Bello
1300 New York Ave NW
Washington, D.C., 20577
Keynote Speaker
Miguel Urquiola (Columbia University)
“Competition, Evaluation, And School Productivity”
Papers Selected
- “Can Small Incentives Have Large Payoffs? Health Impacts of a National Conditional Cash Transfer Program in Bolivia” Pablo Celhay (Pont. Universidad Católica de Chile) – Slides
Comments – Florencia Lopez-Boo (IDB) - “Happily Ever After? Domestic Violence, Women’s Empowerment, and Stress After CCTs” Adriana Camacho (Universidad de los Andes) – Slides
Comments – Martin Valdivia (GRADE) - “Soap Operas, Trust and Financial Inclusion: Experimental Evidence from Peruvian Rural Areas” Martin Valdivia (GRADE) – Slides
Comments – Raquel Bernal (Universidad de los Andes) - “Do Firms Redline Workers? A Controlled Experiment in Bogotá” Luz Salas (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana)
Comments – Alessandro Maffioli (IIC) - “Impact Evaluation of the Job Youth Training Program Projoven” David Rosas (IDB) – Slides
Comments: Guillermo Cruces (CEDLAS-UNLP & CONICET) - “Housing Subsidies, Labor Supply and Household Welfare. Experimental Evidence from Argentina” Guillermo Cruces (CEDLAS-UNLP & CONICET)
Comments: Marina Bassi (IDB) - “Effects of an Early Stimulation Curriculum And a Nutritional Intervention in a National Public Parenting Program in Colombia on Child Development and Growth: a Cluster-randomized Controlled Trial” Raquel Bernal (Universidad de los Andes) – Slides
Comments – Pablo Celhay (Pont. Universidad Católica de Chile) - “Delivering Parenting Interventions Through Health Services in the Caribbean: Impact, Acceptability and Costs” Florencia López-Boo (IDB) – Slides
Comments – Adriana Camacho (Universidad de los Andes) - “Identifying National Level Education Reforms in Developing Settings: An Application to Ethiopia” Luke E. Chicoine (DePaul University) – Slides
Comments: Ana Ribeiro (Universidade de Sao Paulo) - “Combining Pre-school Teacher Training with Parenting Education: A Cluster-randomized Controlled Trial” Berk Özler (World Bank) – Slides
Comments – Felipe Barrera-Osorio - “Do Conditional Cash Transfers Lead to Better Secondary Schools?: Evidence from Jamaica’s PATH” Sebastián Insfran (IDB) – Slides
Comments – Luke E. Chicoine (DePaul University) - “Affirmative Action Outcomes: Evidence from a Law School in Brazil” Ana Ribeiro (Universidade de São Paulo) – Slides
Comments – Berk Ozler (World Bank) - “Casting a Wider Tax Net: Experimental Evidence from Costa Rica” Anne Brockmeyer (World Bank) – Slides
Comments – Oscar Mitnik (IDB) - “Moving Citizens and Deterring Criminals: Innovation in Public Transport Facilities” Gustavo Canavire-Bacarreza (Universidad EAFIT) – Slides
Comments – Anne Brockmeyer (World Bank) - “Impact Evaluation of a Cluster Program: An Application of Synthetic Control Methods” Diego Aboal (Centro de Investigaciones Económicas) – Slides
Comments – Rodolfo Stucchi (IIC) - “Impact Dynamics of Livestock Assets Transfers in Nicaragua: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial” Lina Salazar (IDB) – Slides
Comments: Yuri Soares (MIF)
Academic Committee for the 10th meeting:
- Balsa, Ana – Universidad de Montevideo
- Martinez, Claudia – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Santiago, Ana – Inter-American Development Bank
Organizing Committee for the 10th meeting:
- Alzua, María Laura – CEDLAS-UNLP & CONICET
- Barrera-Osorio, Felipe – Harvard University
- Martinez, Sebastian – Inter-American Development Bank
- Mitnik, Oscar – Inter-American Development Bank
- Santiago, Ana – Inter-American Development Bank
The ninth annual meeting was hosted by the Center for Distributive, Labor and Social Studies (CEDLAS), took place on March 10th and 11th, 2016, La Plata, Argentina. The program included a keynote address by Dr. Francisco Gallego (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile), and the presentation of eight papers selected on the basis of academic merit.
Center for Distributive, Labor and Social Studies (CEDLAS)
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas – Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Calle 6 # 777. La Plata. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Argentina
Keynote Speaker
Francisco Gallego (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
“Constructing a Research Agenda using RCTs: Information and Educational Decisions”
Papers Selected
- “Public vs. Private Mental Accounts: Experimental Evidence from Savings Groups in Colombia” Luz Magdalena Salas (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana)
Comments: Diana Lopez-Avila (International Initiative for Impact Evaluation) - “Early impacts of college aid” Eugenio Giolito (ILADES/ Universidad Alberto Hurtado), Julio Cáceres(Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), and Sebastian Castillo (Universidad Miguel de Cervantes)
Comments: Paola Bordon ( University of Chile) - “Teaching Practices and Students’ Learning: An Experiment in Chile” Marina Bassi (Inter-American Development Bank), Costas Meghir (Department of Economics, Yale University), and Ana Reynoso (Department of Economics, Yale University)
Comments: Leopoldo Tornarolli (CEDLAS – FCE – UNLP) - “Hard Cash and Soft Skills: Experimental Evidence on Combining Scholarships and Mentoring in Argentina” Alejandro J. Ganimian (Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) South Asia), Felipe Barrera-Osorio (Harvard Graduate School of Education), María Loreto Biehl (Inter-American Development Bank), María Cortelezzi (Fundación Cimientos), and Daniela Valencia (Fundación Cimientos)
Comments: Marina Bassi (Inter-American Development Bank) - “Information Policies and Higher Education Choices: Experimental Evidence from Colombia” Andres Ham (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Leonardo Bonilla (Department of Economics-University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), and Nicolas L. Bottan (Department of Economics-University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Comments: Alejandro J. Ganimian (Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) South Asia) - “Child discipline and social programs: evidence from Colombia” Diana Lopez-Avila (International Initiative for Impact Evaluation)
Comments: Felipe Barrera-Osorio (Harvard University) - “Workfare programmes and their impact on the labour market: Effectiveness of Construyendo Perú” Verónica Escudero ( Research Department of the International Labour Organization (ILO))
Comments: Oscar Mitnik (IDB) - “Employer Learning, Statistical Discrimination and University Prestige” Paola Bordon ( University of Chile), and Breno Braga (Urban Institute)
Comments: Joaquín Coleff (CEDLAS – FCE – UNLP)
Academic Committee for the 9th meeting:
- Felipe Barrera-Osorio, Harvard University, Graduate School of Education
- Oscar Mitnik, Inter-American Development Bank
- Catherine Rodriguez, Universidad de los Andes
The eighth annual meeting was hosted by the Inter-American Development Bank, and took place on September 11 and 12, 2014, in Washington, D.C. Nine papers, selected on the basis of academic merit, were presented at the meeting. Dr. Martin Ravallion (Georgetown University) gave the keynote address.
Inter-American Development Bank Headquarters
1330 New York Ave NW, room CR-201
Washington DC, USA
Keynote Speaker
Martin Ravallion (Georgetown University)
How can evaluations better inform public spending decisions?
Papers Selected
- “The Impact of Fee Discounts on Remittances: A Field Experiment with Migrants from Central America.” Diego Aycinena (Universidad Francisco Marroquín), Kate Ambler (IFPRI) and Dean Yang (University of Michigan)
Comments: Sandro Diez-Amigo (MIT and IDB) - “Schooling, learning, earnings: effects of a 3-year conditional cash transfer program in Nicaragua after 10 years” Tania Barham (University of Colorado at Boulder), John Maluccio (Middlebury College) and Karen Macours (Paris School of Economics)
Comments: Guillermo Cruces (CEDLAS – FCE – UNLP) - “Using Cheat Sheets to Distinguish Ability from Knowledge: Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in Chile” Sandro Diez-Amigo (MIT and IDB)
Comments: Felipe Barrera-Osorio (Harvard University) - “Mobile phones for labor market intermediation: A multi-treatment experimental design” Jose Galdo (Carleton University) Ana C. Dammert (Carleton University) and Virgilio Galdo (The World Bank)
Comments: Oscar Mitnik (FDIC) - “Unobservable, but Unimportant? The Influence of Personality Traits (and Other Usually Unobserved Variables) for the Evaluation of Labor Market Policies” Oscar Mitnik (FDIC), Marco Caliendo (Postdam University) and Robert Mahlstedt (IZA)
Comments: José Galdo (Carleton University) - “On the Effects of Enforcement on Illegal Markets: Evidence from a Quasi-experiment in Colombia” Sandra Rozo (UCLA), Daniel Mejia (Universidad de los Andes) and Pascual Restrepo (MIT)
Comments: María Cecilia Acevedo (Harvard University) - “Inside the War on Drugs: Effectiveness and Unintended Consequences of a Large Illicit Crops Eradication Program in Colombia” Maria Cecilia Acevedo (Harvard University), Alberto Abadie (Harvard University), Juan Fernando Vargas, (Universidad del Rosario), and Maurice Kugler (UNDP)
Comments: Sandra Rozo (UCLA) - “Are You (Not) Expecting?: The Unforeseen Benefits of Job Training on Teenage Pregnancy” Laura Ripani (IDB) and Rafael Novella (IDB)
Comments: Damian Clarke (The University of Oxford) - “Assessing Plan B: The Effect of the Morning After Pill on Children and Women” Damian Clarke (The University of Oxford), Andrea Bentancor (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez)
Comments: Laura Ripani (IDB)
Academic Committee for the 8th meeting:
- Felipe Barrera, Harvard University, Graduate School of Education
- Arturo Galindo, Inter-American Development Bank
- Ximena Peña, Universidad de los Andes
- Guillermo Cruces, Center for Distributional, Labor and Social Studies, CEDLAS
The seventh annual meeting was hosted by Group for the Analysis of Development – GRADE, in Lima, Peru. The program included a keynote address by Dr. Norbert Schady (Inter American Development Bank). Also, the meeting featured a panel on evaluation and policy making with the presence of Peru’s Viceminister of Social Inclusion. Presentation of eight papers selected on the basis of academic merit took place over the course of the meeting.
Group for the Analysis of Development – GRADE
Lima, Peru.
Keynote Speaker
- Dr. Norbert Schady (IADB)
- Roundtable on impact evaluation and policy making
Panelists: J.P. Silva (Peru’s Viceminister of Social Inclusion), N. Schady (IADB), F. Barrera (Harvard), J. Sandefur (CGD).
Papers Selected
“Context Matters for Size: Why External Validity Claims and Development Practice Don’t Mix“. Justin Sandefur (Center for Global Development)Comments: Sebastián Galiani (University of Maryland)
“The Impact of a Permanent Income Shock on the Situation of Women in the Household: the case of a pension reform in Argentina“. Dolores de la Mata (Universidad del Rosario)
Comments: Juan José Díaz (GRADE) -
“Neighborhood Effects of Social Security Payments to Poor Rural Families“. Christian Lehmann (University of Brasilia)
Comments: Javier Escobal (GRADE) -
“Temptation Goods and Conditional Cash Transfers in Peru“. Fernando Fernández (Inter-American Development Bank)Comments: Carolina Lopez (CEDLAS- UNLP)
“Long-Term Consequences of Early Life Health Shocks: Evidence from the 1980s Peruvian Crisis” Federico Gutierrez (Vanderbilt University)
Comments: Alan Sánchez (GRADE) -
“Deterrence and reciprocity effects on tax compliance: Experimental evidence from Venezuela“. Daniel Ortega (CAF and IESA)Comments: Justin Sandefur (Center for Global Development)
“Rules Rather Than Discretion: Teacher Hiring and Rent Extraction“. Ricardo Estrada (Paris School of Economics)Comments: Miguel Jaramillo (GRADE)
“Shelter from the Storm: Upgrading Housing Infrastructure in Latin American Slums“. Sebastián Galiani (University of Maryland)
Comments: Federico Gutierrez (Vanderbilt University)
Academic Committee for the 7th meeting:
- Barrera-Osorio, Felipe (Graduate School of Education, Harvard University)
- Jaramillo, Miguel (Grupo de Análisis para el Desarrollo)
- Soares, Yuri (Inter-American Development Bank)
The sixth annual meeting was hosted by the Graduate School of Education, Harvard University, Cambridge Massachusetts, USA. The program included a short training course and keynote address by Prof. Jeffrey Smith (UMich) on recent methodological developments in program evaluation, as well as a keynote address by Prof. Richard Murnane (Harvard University). Eight papers, selected on the basis of academic merit, were presented over the course of the meeting.
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Gutman Convention Center
6 Appian Way in Harvard Square
Cambridge, MA
Keynote Speaker
- Jeffrey Smith (University of Michigan)
- Richard Murnane (Harvard University)
Papers Selected
- “Bounds on Treatment Effects in the Presence of Sample Selection and Noncompliance: The Wage Effects of Job Corps“. Xuan Chen (University of Miami) and Carlos Flores (University of Miami)
Comments: Eduardo Fajnzylber (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez) - “Are Anti-drug Programs Affecting Productivity? The Case of Coca Leaf Producers in Colombia“. Sandra Rozo (UCLA).
Comments: Xuan Chen (University of Miami) - “Micro Entrepreneurship Training and Assets Transfers: Short Term Impact on the Poor“. Esteban Puentes (Universidad de Chile), Claudia Martinez A. (Universidad de Chile), and Jaime Ruiz-Tagle (Universidad de Chile).
Comments: Adriana Camacho (Universidad de los Andes)
“Trade-offs Between different Early Childhood Interventions: Evidence from Ecuador“. Jose Rosero Moncayo (University of Amsterdam and Tinbergen Institute), and Hessel Oosterbeek (University of Amsterdam and Tinbergen Institute)
Comments: Felipe Barrera-Osorio (Graduate School of Education – Harvard University) - “The Pedagogy of Science and Environment: Experimental Evidence from Peru.” Diether Beuermann (Inter-American Development Bank), Emma Naslund-Hadley (Inter-American Development Bank), Inder J. Ruprah (Inter-American Development Bank), and Jennelle Thompson (Inter-American Development Bank)
Comments: Sandra Rozo (UCLA)
“The Consequences of Increased Enforcement of Legal Minimum Wages in a Developing Country: An Evaluation of the Impact of the Campaña Nacional de Salarios Mínimos in Costa Rica“. Nadwa Mossaad (University of Maryland Baltimore County), T. H. Gindling (UMBC), and Juan Diego Trejos (Universidad de Costa Rica)
Comments: Yuri Soares (Inter-American Development Bank) - “Oportunidades and its Impact on Child Nutrition“. Gabriela Farfan (Duke University), María E. Genoni (World Bank), Luis Rubalcava (CAMBS and Spectron), Graciela Teruel (Universidad Iberoamericana), and Duncan Thomas (Duke University)
Comments: Leopoldo Tornarolli (CEDLAS – UNLP) - “Incentive Effects and Unemployment Accounts: Two Natural Experiments.” Eduardo Fajnzylber (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez) and Andrea Repetto (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez)
Comments: Jose Rosero Moncayo (University of Amsterdam)
Academic Committee for the 6th meeting:
- María Laura Alzua (CEDLAS-Universidad Nacional de La Plata)
- Felipe Barrera-Osorio (Graduate School of Education – Harvard University)
- Guillermo Cruces (CEDLAS-Universidad Nacional de La Plata)
- Ana Santiago (Vice-Presidency of Sectors and Knowledge – Inter-American Development Bank)
The fifth annual meeting was hosted by the Center of Distributional, Labor and Social Studies at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata, taking place on August 22 and 23, 2011, Buenos Aires, Argentina. The program included a one-day training course by Prof. Joshua Angrist (MIT) on recent methodological developments in program evaluation, as wellas a keynote address by Marco Manacorda (Queen Mary University of London; CEP, London School of Economics; CEPR; IZA). Participants attended the course during the mornings; during the afternoon nine papers, selected on the basis of academic merit, were presented.
Center for Distributive, Labor and Social Studies (CEDLAS)
Centro Cultural Borges
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Argentina
Keynote Speaker
- Joshua Angrist (MIT)
- Marco Manacorda (Queen Mary University of London; CEP, London School of Economics; CEPR; IZA)
Papers Selected
“Disentangling Stigma from Firm Effect on Wage Losses for Laid-off Workers“. Carlos Leite Corseuil (IPEA), Rodrigo F. Dias (Ibre and Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada), Miguel Nathan Foguel (Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada), and Daniel D. Santos (Ibmec/RJ and Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada)Comments: Edgar Villa (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana)
“The heterogeneous Impact of Conditional Cash Transfers in Honduras“. Patrick McEwan (Wellesley College), and Sebastian Galiani (Washington University in St. Louis)Comments: Guillermo Cruces (CEDLAS-CONICET)
“The ABC of Housing Strategies. Are Housing Assistance Programs Effective to Enhance Children’S Well Being?” Jose Rosero (University of Amsterdam)Comments: Javier Baez (World Bank)
“Do Bans on Carrying Firearms Work for Violence Reduction? Evidence from a Department-level Ban in Colombia“. Edgar Villa (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana), and Jorge A. Restrepo (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana – CERAC)Comments: Yuri Soares (IADB)
“Social Interactions and Individual Reproductive Decisions“. Muthoni Ngatia (Yale University)Comments: Maria Laura Alzua (CEDLAS-Universidad Nacional de La Plata)
“Resource Windfall and Corruption: Evidence from Peru“. Stanislao Maldonado (UC Berkeley)Comments: Oscar Mitnik (University of Miami)
“Effects of Colombia’s Social Protection System on Workers’ Choice between Formal and Informal Employment“. Emily Conover (Hamilton College), Adriana Camacho (Universidad de Los Andes), and Alejandro Hoyos (Inter-American Development Bank)Comments: Ana Santiago (IADB)
“Effects of Short-Term Tutoring on Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills: Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation in Chile“. Jose Cuesta (J-Pal), Verónica Cabezas (PUC-Chile), and Francisco A. Gallego (PUC-Chile and J-PAL)Comments: Jorge Streb (UCEMA)
“Contracting Out Public Schools for Academic Achievement: Evidence from Colombia“. Juan Bonilla (University of Maryland)Comments: Adriana Camacho (Universidad de los Andes)
Academic Committee for the 5th meeting:
- María Laura Alzua (CEDLAS-Universidad Nacional de La Plata)
- Felipe Barrera-Osorio (Graduate School of Education – Harvard University)
- Guillermo Cruces (CEDLAS-Universidad Nacional de La Plata)
- Ana Santiago (Vice-Presidency of Sectors and Knowledge – Inter-American Development Bank)
The fourth annual meeting was hosted by the Economics Department of the University of Miami, in Miami, Florida, US. The program included a oneday training course by Prof. Guido Imbens (Harvard University) on recent methodological developments in program evaluation. The course was divided in two mornings, followed each afternoon by the presentation of eight papers selected on the basis of academic merit.
Keynote Speaker
- Prof. Guido Imbens (Harvard University)
Papers Selected
- “Nonparametric Partial Identification of Causal Net and Mechanism Average Treatment Effects” Carlos Flores (University of Miami), and Alfonso Flores-Lagunes (University of Florida, and IZA)
Comments: Walter Sosa Escudero (Universidad de San Andrés) -
“Many Terms in a Series Estimator of the Partially Linear Model“. Matías Cattaneo (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor), Michael Jansson (UC Berkeley), and Whitney K. Newey (MIT)Comments: Alfonso Flores-Lagunes (University of Florida)
“Team Incentives for Education in Developing Countries. A Randomized Field Experiment in Benin“. Moussa P. Blimpo (Stanford University), and David K. Evans (World Bank)Comments: Habiba Djebbari (Laval University)
“Investing in (secondary) schooling in Chile“. Claudia Martinez (Universidad de Chile), and Taryn Dinkelman (Princeton University)Comments: Yuri Soares (Inter-American Development Bank)
“The Impact of a Technical Training Program for Childcare Providers on Children’s Well-being“. Raquel Bernal (Universidad de los Andes)Comments: Eduardo Fajnzylber (Universidad Adolfo Ibañez)
“The Effect of Social Programs and Exposure to Professionals on the Educational Aspirations of the Poor“. Carlos Chiapa (El Colegio de México), José Luis Garrido (El Colegio de México), and Silvia Prina (Case Western Reserve University)Comments: Carlos Medina (Banco de la República, Colombia)
“The Effects Of Tax Incentives For Small Firms On Employment Levels“. Rodrigo Moura (Fundação Getulio Vargas)Comments: Guillermo Cruces (CEDLAS-UNLP)
“The Effects of Telecommunications Technologies on Agricultural Profits and Child Labor: Evidence from Isolated Rural Villages in Peru” Diether W. Beuermann (University of Maryland)
Comments: Marie Gaarder (International Initiative for Impact Evaluation -3ie)
Academic Committee for the 4th meeting:
- Alzua, Maria Laura – CEDLAS, Departamento de Economía – Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina
- Ibarraran, Pablo – Strategic Planning and Development Effectiveness – Inter-American Development Bank
- Mitnik, Oscar – Economics Department, University of Miami
- Soares, Yuri – Evaluation Office – Inter-American Development Bank
The Third Meeting of the IEN was held at Universidad de los Andes (Bogota, Colombia)
Keynote Speaker
- David Card (University of California, Berkeley)
Papers Selected
“Preventing Criminality: An Economic Evaluation of a Brazilian Program“. Betania Totino Peixoto (João Pinheiro Foundation), Monica Viegas Andrade (University of Minas Gerais), and Joao Pedro Azevedo (Word Bank)
Comments: Edgar Villa (Universidad Javeriana) -
“Evaluating the Impact of Participation in the Brazilian Public School Mathematical Olympiad on Math Scores in Students’ Standardized Tests“. Ligia Vasconcelos (Banco Itau – Unibanco), Roberta Loboda Biondi (Itaú-Unibanco), and Naercio Aquino de Menezes-Filho (Insper and FEA/USP)
Comments: Juan Saavedra (Universidad de los Andes) -
“Evaluating Nonexperimental Estimators for Multiple Treatments: Evidence from Experimental Data“. Oscar A. Mitnik (University of Miami), and Carlos A. Flores (University of Miami)
“Remittances and the Problem of Control: A Field Experiment Among Migrants from El Salvador“.
Diego Aycinena (Francisco Marroquin University), Nava Ashraf (Harvard Business School), Claudia Martinez (University of Chile), and Dean Yang (University of Michigan)
Comments: Marcela Melendez (Fedesarrollo) -
“Identification Strategy: A Field Experiment on Dynamic Incentives in Rural Credit Markets“. Xavier Giné (Development Economics Research Group – World Bank), Jessica Goldberg (University of Michigan), and Dean Yang (University of Michigan)
Comments: Mauricio Santamaría (Fedesarrollo) -
“Child Control in Education Decisions: An Evaluation of Targeted Incentives to Learn in India“. James Berry (Cornell University)
Comments: Anna Crespo (IADB) -
“The Impact of Conditional Cash Transfers on Children’s School Achievement: Evidence from Colombia“. Sandra Garcia Jaramillo (Universidad de los Andes), and Jennifer Hil (New York University)
Comments: Juan Vargas (Universidad del Rosario)
Academic Committee for the 3rd meeting:
- María Laura Alzua (CEDLAS-Universidad Nacional de La Plata)
- Felipe Barrera-Osorio (Human Development Network-The World Bank)
- Ana María Ibañez (Universidad de los Andes)
- Ana Santiago (Vice-Presidency of Sectors and Knowledge – Inter-American Development Bank)
The IEN Session was held at LACEA-LAMES 2009 on October 3, 2009 (11:00 – 12:30) at Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA), Convention Center, San José Building, 1650 Alicia Moreau de Justo, Buenos Aires; Room 126.
Session Chair
- Carola Alvarez (Inter-American Development Bank)
Papers Selected
- “How Do Training Programs Assign Participants to Training? Characterizing the Assignment Rules of Government Agencies for Welfare-to-Work Programs in California”. Oscar Mitnik (University of Miami).
- “Two-Sided Wealth Constraints and Innovation Adoption Under a Grassroots Market-Based Extension System”. Jean-Philippe Platteau (University of Namur)
- “Medicare, Hospital Utilization and Mortality: Evidence from the Origins of the Federal Program”. Ken Chay (Brown University)
Vancouver, Canada
The Third Meeting of the IEN was held at Universidad de los Andes (Bogota, Colombia)
Keynote Speakers
- Sebastián Galiani (Washington University in St. Louis)
- Michael Kremer (Harvard University)
- Mauricio Cárdenas (Fedesarrollo-LACEA)
Closing Remarks
Papers Selected
“Evaluating a Test-Based Public Subsidy Program for Low-Cost Private Schools: Regression-Discontinuity Evidence from Pakistan“. Felipe Barrera (World Bank), and Dhushyanth Raju (World Bank)
Comments: Guillermo Cruces (CEDLAS-UNLP) -
“Tournaments, Gift Exchanges, and the Effect of Monetary Incentive for Teachers: the Case of Chile“. Tomás Rau Binder (Universidad de Chile), and Dante Contreras (Universidad de Chile)
Comments: Mariana Alfoso (RES-IADB) -
“An Evaluation of The Impact of South Africa’s Child Support Grant on School Attendance“. María Isabel Santana (Universidad de Santo Domingo)
Comments: Alessandro Maffioli (OVE-IADB) -
“Achievements and Shortfalls of Conditional Cash Transfers: Impact Evaluation of Paraguay’s Tekoporã Programme”. Guillerme Hirata (UNDP Poverty Center and IPEA)
Comments: Edgar Villa (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana) -
“Scaling-up Effects in Experimental Policy Evaluations. Evidence from Progresa/Oportunidades in Mexico“. Matteo Bobba (Paris School of Economics)
Comments: Vincenzo Di Maro (UCL) -
“Teaching Entrepreneurship: Impact of Business Training on Microfinance Clients and Institutions“. Martin Valdivia (GRADE), and Dean Karlan (Yale University)
Comments: Mateo Bobba (Paris School of Economics) - “Dry Laws and Homicides: Evidence from the São Paulo Metropolitan Area“. Joao M. P. de Mello (PUC Brazil), Ciro Biderman (CEPESP/FGV, LAC/LILP, DUSP/MIT), and Alexandre Schneider (Secretary of Education of the City of São Paulo)
Comments: Tomas Rau (Universidad de Chile)
Academic Committee for the 2nd meeting:
- María Laura Alzua (CEDLAS-Universidad Nacional de La Plata)
- Felipe Barrera-Osorio (Human Development Network-The World Bank)
- Ana Santiago (Vice-Presidency of Sectors–Inter-American Development Bank)
The First Meeting of the IEN was held at LACEA (Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association) at Universidad de los Andes (Bogota).
Keynote Speakers
- Carolina Renteria (Directora Nacional de Planeación, Colombia)
Opening Remarks - Karlan, Dean (Yale University)
Microfinance: Building Better Products through Randomized Evaluations - Orazio Atanassio (University College, London)
Evaluating and (Re)-Designing Conditional Cash Transfers - Levy, Santiago (Inter-American Development Bank)
- Briceño, Bertha (Departamento Nacional de Planeación, Colombia)
- Mauricio Cárdenas (Fedesarrollo-LACEA)
Closing Remarks
Papers Selected
- “Ethnicity, Gender and Educational Expenditure in Bolivia: Evaluation of an Old-Age Cash Transfer Program“. Mónica Yanez-Pagans (University of Illinois at Urbana Campaign)
Comments: Felipe Barrera-Osorio (World Bank) - “Does the Quality of Public-Sponsored Training Programs Matter? Evidence from Bidding Processes Data”. José Galdo (McMaster University)
Comments: Maria Laura Alzúa (IERAL-Fundación Mediterránea) - “Empowering Parents To Improve Education: Evidence From Rural Mexico”. Martha Rubio Codina (University College, London)
Comments: Emiliana Vegas (World Bank) - “Testing Alternative Approaches to Conditional Cash Transfer Programs in Education: Evidence from Colombia“. Leigh Linden (Columbia University)
Comments: Yuri Soares (Inter-American Development Bank) - “Do the Poorest Among the Poor Benefit Less from Active Labor Market Programs? Evidence from Peru’s Projoven“. Miguel Jaramillo (GRADE)
Comments: Ignacio Franchesceli (Northwestern University) - “Looking Within The Household: Impacts for Individual Outcomes Using Aggregate Household Data“. Vincenzo Di Maro (University College, London)
Comments: Miguel Jaramillo (GRADE) - “The Welfare Impacts of Local Investment Projects: Evidence from the Guatemala FIS“. Miguel Sarzosa (Inter-American Development Bank)
Comments: Filipe de Souza (London School of Economics)
Academic Committee for the 1st meeting:
- María Laura Alzua (IERAL-Fundación Mediterránea)
- Felipe Barrera-Osorio (Human Development Network-The World Bank)
- Ana Santiago (OVE-Inter-American Development Bank)
Executive Committee
- María Laura Alzúa (CEDLAS-Universidad Nacional de La Plata)
- Felipe Barrera-Osorio (Graduate School of Education – Harvard University)
- Ana Santiago (Inter-American Development Bank)