• Research center specialized in the study of poverty, economic inequalities, labor markets and other social issues in developing countries.


  • New Working Paper:
    Youth Employment in Tourism: A Multidimensional Approach of Job Quality in Latin America
    Nº 341 (December, 2024)
    Malena Dolcet, Natalia Porto & Joaquín Zarrilli
  • New working paper:
    Buffer or Bottleneck? Employment Exposure to Generative AI and the Digital Divide in Latin America
    Nº 340 (November, 2024)
    Paweł Gmyrek, Hernan Winkler y Santiago Garganta
  • New Working Paper:
    "Abortion Legalization and Adolescent Fertility: New Evidence for Uruguay Based on the Synthetic Control Method"
    Cecilia Velázquez
    Latin American Economic Review
    Nº 339 (November, 2024)
  • Full text version:
    Análisis y propuestas de mejoras para ampliar la asignación universal por hijo
    CEDLAS e IIEP BAIRES-UBA CONICET With the support of UNICEF, ANSES and Ministerio de Desarrollo Social.
  • Download our book:
    Pobreza y Desigualdad en América Latina: Conceptos, Herramientas y Aplicaciones
    L. Gasparini, M. Cicowiez & W. Sosa Escudero


The Center of Distributive, Labor and Social Studies (CEDLAS) is a research center that specializes in the empirical study of distributive, labor and social issues in Latin America. Created in 2002, CEDLAS is based at Facultad de Ciencias Económicas – Universidad Nacional de La Plata.

The main areas of study at CEDLAS are: poverty, inequality, evaluation of public policies, labor market and employment, education and health, and macro, finance and poverty. CEDLAS has developed multiple research projects on these issues in collaboration with various international organizations, national governments, and academic institutions. The work of CEDLAS researchers is published periodically in the Center’s Working Paper Series, and in academic books and journals.



Calle 6 Nº 777 e/47 y 48 – 3º Piso – Of. 312
CP(1900) La Plata – Buenos Aires – Argentina

  +54 221 4229383 interno 14 Fax: +54 221 4229383

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